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Java records tutorial

Java is constantly evolving, but some changes are more significant than others. This Java records tutorial teaches you about this decade's largest language enhancement to date.

Java's default constructor tutorial

They say you don't get anything for free, but in the world of software development, Java developers can use the default constructor without paying any price.

Use sealed classes in Java to control your inheritance

Need to limit the number of possible subclasses in your codebase? Here comes Java's sealed classes to your rescue.

Know how and when to use blockchain vs. distributed ledgers

Blockchain and distributed ledgers are similar but not quite synonymous. Learn their differences and how they are used, including together, for transactions and data storage.

MVP vs. prototype: What's the difference?

While some people mistakenly use the terms MVP and prototype interchangeably, there are key differences between a minimum viable product and a prototype for your product.

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